This story transpired during the biennium of Covid-19
As I, in the midst of pursuing OAHS, looked back on my soul-searching journey
But this is not a Covid-19 story, nor is it a story about Covid-19.

Prelude, not Prologue

Chapter 1


Ch-Whooooosh. The taxi’s rear door burst open, albeit only with a sliver of sound; I did not discern what it was but my senses perceived ‘ch-whooooosh’: a disturbance of energy in the air.

‘Get the FUCK out of there!’ he yelled at Hannah, my girlfriend.

He was a man who she and I both recognized. The man did not yell at us – only at her.

I saw pain, fury and vengeance in his eyes.

Shuuush: she fixed her skirt.

His arm grabbed her hand. The man metamorphosed into a giant vacuum cleaner. Shuuush: he sucked her out of the backseat of the taxi.

‘You stay there,’ he told me, pointing a finger at me – he did not yell, bark or scream at me still.

Whump. The man slammed the door in my face.


Sample Chapters